Test Engleza de afaceri mediu


Test engleză de afaceri nivel mediu

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1. Paul's business plan contains some weaknesses and he should ... urgently in order to get the money loan from the bank.

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2. Contracts are promises that the law will ... .

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3. Nobody agreed to Clark when he raised during that meeting and put ... the idea of a strike.

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4. . Have you got sufficient capital to start a business? Then you have eliminated the biggest ... .

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5. The manager asked us how he could ... thank for the last month's work.

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6. There is nothing else but offices and administration here and so, we call it a business ... .

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7. There is no way John Smith, the new manager of the company, could ... that.

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8. Helen Martins cannot talk about this topic until the ... comes home. She won't accept these ideas.

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9. I regret I have no choice but to reject the project out of ... .

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10. Just think of all the ... you get from having so many friends.

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11. To start with, can you ... what session two was all about?

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12. Certain promises that are not considered contracts may, in limited circumstances, be enforced if one party has relied to his ... on the assurances of the other party.

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13. The ... approach is the staple of professional investors worldwide: it involves picking stocks for specific reasons.

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14. Mike Johnson might have seen the ... about the sale of the house in the local paper.

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15. Our beneficiary understood that our product, very new on the market, is ... .

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16. At the beginning of the business meeting with Ericsson's president, they were telling a few jokes just to ... :

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17. Several studies have already shown that most people fear ... in public.

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18. Such markets may have a surprisingly ... demand for U.S. products.

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19. The flow of ... capital in India has increased substantially since 2000.

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20. In the ... sector, Opec countries do not plan a decrease.

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21. Brokers spend a significant amount of time obtaining ... - agreements by owners to place properties for sale with the firm.

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22. I'll confirm in writing so that you quickly get my ... .

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23. Thank you, here is your change and your ... for all the shopping.

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24. Which of the following phrases should not be used when one product is missing?

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25. "Good morning. I need some coloured pencils, please."
"Of course. How ... packets would you like to buy?"

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26. Do not think to get this issue on ... as it is strictly confidential.

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27. There is only word John could use to show his agreement and that's ... .

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28. I am afraid but for this matter, you will have to address to our boss;

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29. Please ... on me to discuss this issue on our next boarding meeting.

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The average score is 51%



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