Test Engleza Incepatori


Test engleza nivel începători

1 / 30

He doesn't like ... fish in the morning.

2 / 30

She ... helps her grandmother.

3 / 30

Hello. I'm busy right now. I ... .

4 / 30

How often ... his family?

5 / 30

Tom ... always lived in Belfast.

6 / 30

They ... a lot when they were little.

7 / 30

Do you think they ... help us tomorrow?

8 / 30

... me the truth about your childhood.

9 / 30

The students never ... their homework.

10 / 30

Coffee Ltd ... many employees.

11 / 30

Nobody ... where he is.

12 / 30

The children have been sleeping ... you left.

13 / 30

Wait ..., please!

14 / 30

Drinking while driving is ... by law.

15 / 30

Every morning he ... his computer and checks his e-mails.

16 / 30

No one gave her ... .

17 / 30

Is he a good teacher?

18 / 30

... did Tom arrive at the office?

19 / 30

She's ... cook dinner for her family tonight.

20 / 30

Reading should be ... than watching TV.

21 / 30

In the mountains it is ... than in the city.

22 / 30

He didn't arrive ... time and he missed the plane.

23 / 30

Money ... very important to him

24 / 30

They have too ... furniture in the bedroom.

25 / 30

How do you ... to work every day?

26 / 30

She is sleeping ... .

27 / 30

... he know you?

28 / 30

The cinema ... closed.

29 / 30

... I help you?

30 / 30

I... every day.

Your score is

The average score is 60%



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